Dreamweaver tutorial: Adobe Device Central in Dreamweaver

What you’ll learn in this Dreamweaver Tutorial:

  • Adobe Device Central

This tutorial provides you with a foundation for working with Adobe Device Cental in Adobe Dreamweaver. It is the fourth lesson in the Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Digital Classroom book. For more Adobe Dreamweaver training options, visit AGI’s Dreamweaver Classes.

Adobe Dreamweaver Tutorial: Adobe Device Central in Dreamweaver

The widespread use of Internet-ready devices, such as mobile phones and PDAs, makes it more necessary than ever to adapt your work for multiple sizes and platforms. Dreamweaver CS5 is integrated with Adobe Device Central, which displays and simulates the appearance of HTML content in a variety of mobile, PDA, and handheld device skins and environments. Building your pages using the best practices of CSS will help optimize your pages for the small screens of mobile device.

To preview a page in Device Central:

1 With your finished events.html file open, choose File > Preview in Browser > Device Central. Device Central, which is a separate application, launches.

2 The Device Central application shows the page in the default profile which at the time of this writing is Flash Player 10.1 for a multitouch mobile device. You may use the controls on this generic device to preview your page as it would appear on this phone.

To load the profiles for different mobile devices, you could click on the Browse button and choose a different device to use for emulation.

3 Choose File > Quit (Windows) or Device Central > Quit (Mac OS) to exit Device Central and return to Dreamweaver. Choose File > Close to close the file.

Congratulations! You have finished Lesson 4, “Styling Your Pages with CSS.” In the next lesson, you will take a leap into using CSS for layout.