Learn web design and development skills at crē8 conference
This year at the crē8 conference in Miami the majority of my sessions will be focused on skills for web design and development. I'd like to think I've got all bases covered: the past, present and future of the Web. The Past I'm stretching the definition of "the past" a bit , but in my session Styling Text for the Web Using CSS, I will talk about how you can take the traditional typographic techniques you might be very familiar with in print (such as leading and kerning) and translate them to the Web using Cascading Style Sheets. I'll also take a quick look at Web Fonts, which are a new and exciting development allowing web designers to use more and higher quality fonts than ever before. The Present Dreamweaver is the world's most popular WSYWIG web editor and Adobe seems committed to updating it as quickly as possible in order to keep up with the rapidly changing world of the web. In my session What's New in Dreamweaver CS 5.5, I discuss and demonstrate new features largely relating to mobile design. I'll spend a fair amount of time talking about the Multiscreen Preview which helps you design pages for mobile phone and tablet devices. The Future Take a thrilling look into where the Web is headed. HTML5 and CSS3 are where you'll be spending some time with me in my session Future of the Web:HTML5. Here, you'll take a look at features that can be used today to make websites and web applications more useful and visually interesting such as Geolocation and Web Fonts. You'll also see the more experimental and evolving features that aren't ready to be used today, but might be a part of your web future! To attend the web-focused seminars mentioned above along with over 30 other design based seminars covering InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and more, join us in Miami for the annual Graphic of the Americas Conference on March 1-3, 2012.