I really loved being in Greg's class. He's a fantastic presenter and very knowledgeable.
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Reviews for eBook Training Classes
All participants in our eBook Training Classes have an opportunity to provide feedback as a part of their course. Below you’ll find reviews from clients specific to our eBook Training Classes. We collect more detailed evaluations covering the instructor, materials, and classroom environment which are also available for you to review before enrolling.
References for eBook Training Classes
We have more than 1,000 clients willing to serve as references for our eBook Training Classes. If you want to talk with a previous training client who has taken eBook Training Classes at American Graphics Institute, contact us and we’ll be happy to provide you with additional references.
eBook Training Classes
by Nozipho N
The ebook training with Greg was wonderful. He is very knowledgeable. I really enjoyed the class and hopefully look forward to taking another.
by Dana B
Instructor was very informative and knowledge about the material that was presented in a clear manner. I learned how to create digital books in the different formats.
by Marietta J
This ebook training was awesome! Thank you!
by Tracey C
Instructor was very informative and very patient. Material was very clear and we will use what we have learned in our community. Great atmosphere, staff was very helpful and friendly. I got a lot out of this e Book class.
by Nolan V
by Bonnie L
Our instructor was awesome. He addressed the content in a way it was very understandable and easy for me to apply to my workflow. I know I will probably have questions as situations arise during the actual creation of our publications, but should be able to answer most of those using the book supplied for the class. Thank you. I will look toward AGI when I am in need of further training classes.
by Carolyn C
Well versed in both print and digital worlds. This enabled me to keep pace and understand the terminology. Covered the topics well and gave me a good understanding of what eBooks were all about and the knowledge to start producing right away.
by Steven L
by Janell L
I plan to take another course with Chad. It was fun and super-informative.
by Robin P
by Lois T
by Justin F
by Peggy B
by Lana B
Very pleasant and helpful
by Tracy P