Illustrator CS4 Digital Classroom Book with video training
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Digital Classroom is like having a personal instructor guiding you through each lesson, while you work at your own pace. This Illustrator CS4 book with DVD includes 12 self-paced lessons helping you learn essential skills and explore new features and capabilities of Adobe Illustrator.
- Full color lessons with easy to follow step-by-step instructions
- Video tutorials highlight key topics in each lesson
- Covers all essential Illustrator skills
- Gets you up-and-running quickly with included Illustrator lesson files on DVD
- Written by expert instructors who regularly teach Illustrator training courses – it's like having your own personal tutor
- Used by hundreds of schools and more than 100,000 readers
Illustrator CS4 Digital Classroom Book with video training Contents
Starting Up
- About Digital Classroom
- Prerequisites
- System requirements
- Starting Adobe Illustrator CS4
- Fonts used in this book
- Resetting Adobe Illustrator CS4 preferences
- Loading lesson files
- Working with the video tutorials
- Setting up for viewing the video tutorials
- Viewing the video tutorials with the Adobe Flash Player
- Additional resources
Lesson 1: Adobe Illustrator CS4 Jumpstart
- Starting up
- Creating the background
- Taking advantage of graphic styles
- One object, multiple fills and strokes
- Saving a graphic style
- Creating a symbol from the circle art
- Creating the text logo
- Applying the graphic style to the
text logo - Warping the text logo
- Using the Color Guide
- Incorporating an image into your artwork
- Erasing vector paths and shapes
- Creating a 3-D object
Lesson 2: Getting to Know the Workspace
- Starting up
- Opening Illustrator
- Choosing a workspace
- Opening a file
- The document window
- Switching screen modes
- Changing your view
- Preview versus Outlines
- Zooming and scrolling
- Scrolling with the Hand tool
- Changing views with the Navigator panel
- Panels and workspaces
- The Tools panel
- Using tools and panels
- The Control panel
- Moving the Control panel
- Panel groups and the dock
- Custom workspaces
- Saving workspaces
- Using the Manage Workspaces dialog box
- Customizing keyboard shortcuts
- Custom shortcuts
- Saving shortcut sets
- Deleting shortcut sets
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 3: Illustrator CS4 Essentials
- Starting up
- Using the shape tools
- Repositioning and visually resizing the rectangle
- Finding or changing the shape’s dimensions using the Transform panel
- Rotating and shearing using the Transform panel
- Constraining a shape
- Entering exact dimensions
- Selecting artwork
- Helpful keyboard shortcuts for selections
- The selection tools
- Isolation mode
- Using shape and transform tools to create artwork
- Using the transform tools
- Adding a fill color
- Entering a shape size in the Transform panel
- Viewing in Outline view
- Rotating the shape
- Changing the color of the triangles
- Using layers when building an illustration
- Creating a new blank layer
- Cutting and pasting objects
- Creating bubbles
- Cloning the bubble group
- Repeating a resize transform
- Moving objects from one layer to another
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 4: Adding Color
- Starting up
- Basics of the Appearance panel
- Fills and strokes
- Saving swatches
- Global colors
- Saving a set of colors as a group
- Using the Color Guide panel
- Coloring objects
- Live Paint
- Live Color
- Creating a gradient swatch
- Creating a pattern swatch
- Loading Pantone colors
- Applying spot colors to the logo
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 5: Working with the Drawing Tools
- Starting up
- Working with the Pen tool
- Drawing straight lines
- Drawing curved lines
- Drawing hinged curves
- Drawing curved lines to straight lines
- Drawing straight lines to curved lines
- Tracing images
- Placing an image as a template
- Other drawing tools
- Using the Line Segment and Arc tools
- Using the Pencil, Smooth,
and Path Eraser tools - Using the Eraser tool
- Editing existing paths
- Adding and removing points
- Refining a curve
- Cutting and joining paths
- Working with Live Trace
- Using the tracing presets
- Understanding tracing options
- Expanding Live Traced artwork
- Working with Live Paint
- Creating a Live Paint group
- Setting Gap Detection options
- Using the Live Paint Bucket tool
- Using the Live Paint Selection tool
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 6: Working with and Formatting Text
- Starting up
- Formatting type
- Paragraph formatting
- Formatting imported type
- Paragraph and character styles
- Text wrap
- Advanced techniques with text
- Text on a path
- Warping text
- Text in a shape
- Creating outlines
- Check spelling
- Find and Replace
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 7: Organizing your Illustrations with Layers
- Starting up
- Getting to know the Layers panel
- Using layers to organize your illustrations
- Using the Layers panel to make selections
- Creating new layers and moving items between layers
- Paste Remembers Layers
- Template Layers
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 8: Working with Symbols
- Starting up
- Cleaning out the symbol library
- Creating symbols
- Editing symbols
- Importing a symbol library
- Using the symbolism tools
- Editing nested symbols
- Replacing symbols
- Saving symbol libraries
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 9: Using Effects and Transparency
- Starting up
- Working with the Appearance panel and effects
- Applying effects
- Editing effects
- Using graphic styles
- Creating and saving graphic styles
- Applying and modifying graphic styles
- Working with object transparency
- Working with multiple opacity
- Working with blending modes
- Saving and importing graphic styles
- Applying graphic styles to layers
and symbols - Self study
- Review
Lesson 10: Exporting and Saving Files
- Starting up
- Saving using the AI file format
- Saving an illustration with layers
- Make a template layer
- Using the Transform Eff ect
- Duplicating a Stroke
- Saving diff erent versions of the
logo onto separate layers - Expanding appearance
- Save the fi rst version
- Using Live Paint
- Using the Color Guide panel
- Saving the third version
- Using Recolor Artwork
- Saving a layered PDF
- Integration with other applications
- Exporting for Photoshop
- Integrating with InDesign
- Integrating with Flash
- Integrating with Premiere and After Effects
- Saving as EPS
- Save for Web & Devices
- Making a Flash animation
- Exporting a Flash animation
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 11: Advanced Blending Techniques
- Starting up
- Using the Blend Tool
- Applying a gradient
- Applying Radial Gradients
- Applying gradients using Illustrator’s Gradient Mesh options
- Adjusting the Mesh
- Revisiting Blend Options
- More mesh work
- Overlapping images
- Applying a gradient mesh using the Mesh tool
- Finishing up with the Mesh tool and automatically adding a Highlight
- Using the Symbol tools
- Creating a symbol
- Modifying a Symbol’s appearance
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 12: Illustrator CS4 New Features
- Starting up
- The new user interface
- Application bar
- Application Frame
- Document tabs
- Document groups
- Arranging documents
- Screen modes
- Smart Guides
- Multiple artboards
- New Artboard tool
- Printing and PDFs with artboards
- The new Appearance panel
- Enhanced Gradient tool