The instructors at American Graphics Institute are the authors of the Digital Classroom series of training books as well as many official training books and curriculum written for Adobe and Microsoft. Our instructors have authored more than 50 books covering design tools, web coding, video editing, and animation. Our Digital Classroom books provide a fast and easy way to learn these tools and technologies. Each Digital Classroom book provides clear step-by-step instructions, full-color figures, along with lesson files and video tutorials to get you up-and-running quickly. Our Digital Classroom books are like having your own personal tutor. You can learn more about each of our books using the links below.

The After Effects Digital Classroom series of books is written by the instructors at American Graphics Institute and provides a fast and easy way to learn this video and special effects application. These books are written by the instructors who teach our After Effects courses and used in our classrooms.

Our Dreamweaver books are part of our Digital Classroom book series and teach you the essentials of working with Dreamweaver to create and manage websites.

Our instructors have authored more than 10 Illustrator books, including the Illustrator Digital Classroom series of books for learning this drawing tool. These Illustrator books are used in our Illustrator training classes and written by our staff instructors who have 20 years of experience in using and teaching Adobe Illustrator.

Along with the InDesign Digital Classroom book series, our instructor have also written several official InDesign training books for Adobe. This series of InDesign books is written by the staff instructors who teach our InDesign classes and share lessons they have learned in more than a decade of using and teaching InDesign.

Our expert instructors have been writing best-selling Photoshop books for more than a decade. Our Photoshop Digital Classroom book series includes introductory through advanced books that include video tutorials and lesson files. These guides are written by the instructors that teach the public Photoshop classes at American Graphics Institute and are the same Photoshop books used as curriculum in our classes.

Learn video editing using this popular tool from Adobe with the Premiere Pro Digital Classroom books and video training. Our books are available for the current and previous versions of Premiere Pro. These books include sample video footage, step-by-step instructions, and video tutorials. These books are used as the curriculum in our Premiere Pro courses and are written by the instructors at American Graphics Institute.

Learn drawing, animation, and basic ActionScripting with the Flash Digital Classroom series of books that also include video tutorials.

American Graphics Instructors have authored Creative Cloud books for all Adobe CC applications individually along with several all-in-one books that include learning resources covering the most popular Creative Cloud applications. These are the books used in the Creative Cloud classes at American Graphics Institute and are written by AGI's expert instructors who are also the authors of the Adobe Creative Cloud for Dummies book..

Adobe CS6 books written by AGI instructors include titles for each of the individual Creative Suite applications, as well as the all-in-one Adobe CS6 Design and Web Premium Digital Classroom book. The instructors at AGI are also the authors of the Adobe Creative Suite 6 for Dummies book.

Adobe CS5 books from the instructors at AGI include the Adobe Creative Suite 5 Digital Classroom and Adobe CS5 for Dummies books.

Adobe CS4 books written by AGI instructors are available for all the individual Creative Suite applications as well as an all-in-one book covering most of the CS4 applications.

Learn modern web coding, including HTML5 and CSS3, with the HTML books that are part of the Digital Classroom book series written by AGI instructors. These books are written by the instructors that teach the HTML5 courses along with the HTML classes and the HTML email training workshops at American Graphics Institute.

Our instructors have written official curriculum for Microsoft as well as Digital Classroom books covering multiple versions of Microsoft Office. Our instructors also teach PowerPoint design courses along with how-to workshops on using the MS Office applications.

Books covering Microsoft Windows are available as part of the Digital Classroom book series and are available for Windows 7 and Windows 8.

The instructors at American Graphics Institute have written about Apple's Mac OS and how to easily work with and use the the Mac OS. They also teach other Apple apps, delivering Keynote courses and Final Cut classes as well.

Learn web design along with HTML and CSS with the Web Design Digital Classroom book from the instructors at American Graphics Institute. Many of the principles of web design are also covered in the UX courses offered at American Graphics Institute.