Photoshop CC Digital Classroom Book
The Adobe Photoshop CC Digital Classroom Book is like having a personal instructor guiding you through each lesson, while you work at your own pace. This Photoshop CC book includes self-paced lessons helping you learn essential skills and understand the capabilities of Adobe Photoshop CC.
- Full color lessons with easy to follow step-by-step instructions view sample lesson
- Learn essential Photoshop skills and techniques
- Gets you up-and-running quickly with Photoshop CC lesson files and online video training
- Written by expert Photoshop instructors who regularly teach Photoshop classes – it's like having your own personal tutor
- Used by more than 100 schools and trusted by more than 100,000 readers to learn Photoshop
This book is available from online retailers for individuals. Schools and training centers can purchase directly from American Graphics Institute in either print or digital format. Contact American Graphics Institute for details.
Photoshop CC Digital Classroom Book Contents
Starting Up
- About Photoshop Digital Classroom
- Prerequisites
- System requirements
- Starting Adobe Photoshop CC
- Loading lesson files
- Working with the video tutorials
- Setting up for viewing the video tutorials
- Viewing the video tutorials with the Adobe Flash Player
- Additional resources
Lesson 1: Navigating Photoshop CC: Workspace, Tools, and Panels
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Opening an existing document in Mini Bridge
- Discovering the Tools panel
- Selection, Cropping, and Measuring Tools
- Retouching and Painting Tools
- Drawing and Type Tools
- Navigation Tools
- Accessing tools and their options
- Using panels
- Putting the panel system to use
- Choosing other panels
- Expanding and collapsing your panels
- Customizing your panels
- Hidden tools
- Navigating the image area
- Using the Zoom tool
- Using the Hand tool
- Tabbed windows
- Maximizing productivity with screen modes
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 2: Introduction to Photoshop CC 2015
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Opening a file
- Saving the work file
- Cropping an image
- Quick image correction
- Increasing contrast using curves
- Adjusting the neutral
- Using the improved Smart Sharpen feature
- A look back in History
- Saving files
- Understanding file formats
- Choosing a file format
- Saving a JPEG file
- Saving for print
- Changing the color settings
- Adjusting image size
- Saving a Photoshop PDF file
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 3: Organizing and Managing Your Files with Adobe Bridge
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- What is Adobe Bridge?
- Navigating through Bridge
- Using folders in Adobe Bridge
- Making a Favorite
- Creating and locating metadata
- Using keywords
- Creating a Metadata Template
- Opening a file from Adobe Bridge
- Searching for files using Adobe Bridge
- Searching by name or keyword
- Using the Filter panel
- Saving a Collection
- Automation tools in Adobe Bridge
- Batch renaming your files
- Additional Photoshop Tools
- Changing the view
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 4: Making Selective Changes in Photoshop CC 2015
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- The importance of a good selection
- Using the Marquee tools
- Creating a square selection
- Creating a selection from a center point
- Changing a selection into a layer
- Working with the Magic Wand tool
- The Lasso tool in Photoshop CC
- Adding to and subtracting
from selections - Deleting from the selection
- Adding to the selection
- Saving a selection
- Feathering a selection
- Using the Quick Selection tool
- Making difficult selections with the Refine Edge feature
- Using Quick Mask in Photoshop CC
- Saving selections in Photoshop CC
- Copying and pasting a selection
- Using the Pen tool for selections
- Using the Pen tool to select an
area of an image - More Pen tool selection techniques
- Converting a path to a selection
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 5: Painting and Retouching in Photoshop CC 2015
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Setting up your color settings
- Color primer in Photoshop CC
- Understanding color gamut
- The RGB color model
- The CMYK color model
- Working in the RGB mode
- Editing color settings
- Selecting colors with Photoshop CC
- Starting to paint
- Using the Color panel
- Using the Brush tool
- Changing opacity with Photoshop CC
- Save time—learn the shortcuts
- Using the Brush Presets
- Using the Airbrush feature
- Creating a Border using the
Bristle brushes - Applying color to an image
- Changing blending modes
- The Eyedropper tool in Photoshop CC
- Retouching images
- Using the Clone Stamp tool
- Repairing fold lines
- The History panel
- The Spot Healing Brush
- The Healing Brush in Photoshop CC
- Using the Patch tool in Photoshop CC
- Using the Clone Source panel
- Cloning from another source
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 6: Color Correcting an Image
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Choosing your color settings
- Opening the file
- Why you should work in RGB
- Reading a histogram
- Making the Curve adjustment
- Defining the highlight and shadow
- Locating the White and Black Point
- Inputting the white and black point values
- Adjusting the midtones
- Setting the neutral
- Sharpening your image in Photoshop CC
- Comparing your image with the original
- Taking care of red eye with Photoshop CC
- Using the Camera Raw plug-in
- Using Camera Raw controls
- Saving a DNG file in Photoshop CC
- Reopening a DNG file
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 7: Using Content-Aware Tools in Photoshop
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Creating extra image area with the content-aware scale tool
- Opening the file
- Viewing the on-screen ruler
- Converting the Background into a layer
- Protecting the teacher
- Scaling the background
- Content-Aware Fill
- Content-Aware Move
- Content–Aware retouching
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 8: Introduction to Photoshop Layers
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Discovering layers
- The Layers panel
- Getting a handle on layers
- Creating a new blank file
- Naming your layer in Photoshop CC
- Selecting layers
- Tips for selecting layers
- Moving layers in Photoshop CC
- Changing the visibility of a layer
- Using masks in a layer in Photoshop CC
- Preserve transparency
- Creating a composition
- Moving images in from other documents
- Creating a layer mask
- Editing the layer mask
- Cloning layers in Photoshop CC
- Aligning and distributing layers
- Applying filters to layers
- Creating a type layer
- Applying a layer style
- Creating a clipping mask
- Filtering your layers
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 9:Removing Backgrounds to Create Layered Compositions
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- A look at the finished project
- Opening existing image files
- Understanding document settings
- Viewing an image’s size and resolution
- Combining the images
- Using Duplicate to move a layer
- Dragging and dropping to copy one image to another
- Transforming and editing combined images
- Changing the size of a layer
- Removing a background
- Creating a vector mask
- Creating your path
- Starting your pen path
- Turning into vector mask
- Using Refine Edge to select the dog
- Using the Quick Selection tool
- Refining a selection
- Adding the tennis ball to the composition
- Using layer styles
- Reusing layer styles
- Grouping the layers
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 10: Using Layer Styles and Adjustment Layers
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Making color changes using adjustment layers
- Painting on the adjustment layer mask
- Adjusting the Hue/Saturation layer
- Adding a pattern fill layer
- Defining the pattern
- Applying the pattern
- Using the Black & White adjustment layer
- Adding a tint
- Applying a gradient to the adjustment layer
- Layer styles
- Creating the text layer
- Applying the Outer Glow layer style
- Applying the Bevel and Emboss layer style
- Changing the shading
- Changing the fill opacity
- Saving the style
- Accessing the style
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 11: Using the Pen Tool in Photoshop
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Working with the Pen tool
- Reading the Pen tool cursor
- Uses of the Pen tool in Photoshop
- Creating your first path
- Using the Selection tools
- Adding and deleting anchor points
- Working with curved paths
- Changing anchor points
- Selecting your path
- Path exercises
- Creating straight lines
- Creating the curved path
- Drawing hinged curves
- Creating a selection with the Pen tool
- Starting your path
- Saving the path
- Turning the path into a selection
- Turning the path into a vector mask
- Using the path to adjust color
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 12: Using Smart Objects in Photoshop
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Creating a composition using
Smart Objects - Opening an image as a Smart Object
- Converting a layer to a Smart Object
- Placing a Smart Object in Photoshop CC
- Editing a Smart Object
- Editing the contents of a Smart Object
- Modifying multiple Smart Object layers
- Working with Smart Filters
- Modifying a Smart Filter
- Self study
- Creating multiple Smart Objects
- Working with Illustrator files
- Review
Lesson 13: Creating Images for Web, Video, and Interactive Use
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Viewing the completed file
- Changing your units of measurement
- Creating the web page
- Adding the Text
- Adding Style to the text
- Creating text for the links
- Positioning and distribution of text
- Creating slices
- Slicing it up
- Selecting and combining slices
- Applying attributes to your slices
- Using Save for Web (Legacy)
- Saving files for video
- Creating animation
- Working in Frame mode
- Saving an animated GIF
- Creating animation for HD video
- Working in Timeline mode
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 14: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 New Features
- Starting up
- Using Creative Cloud Libraries
- Creating New Libraries
- Using Photoshop with other Creative Cloud apps
- Adding files to the CC Library
- Using Artboards
- Creating App screens with the library
- Duplicating artboards
- Saving files with artboards for web use
- Easier methods to manage your layers