Photoshop CC Digital Classroom Book
Adobe Photoshop CC Digital Classroom book with video training is like having a personal instructor guiding you through each lesson, while you work at your own pace. This Photoshop book with DVD includes 14 self-paced lessons helping you learn essential skills and explore new features and capabilities of Adobe Photoshop.
- Full color lessons with easy to follow step-by-step instructions
- Video tutorials highlight key topics in each lesson
- Covers all essential Photoshop skills
- Gets you up-and-running quickly with included Photoshop CC lesson files and video tutorials
- Written by expert Photoshop instructors who regularly teach Photoshop training courses – it’s like having your own personal tutor
- Used by hundreds of schools and more than 100,000 readers
Photoshop CC Digital Classroom Book Contents
Starting Up
- About Photoshop Digital Classroom
- Prerequisites
- System requirements
- Starting Adobe Photoshop CC
- Loading lesson files
- Working with the video tutorials
- Setting up for viewing the video tutorials
- Viewing the video tutorials with the Adobe Flash Player
- Additional resources
Lesson 1: Navigating Photoshop CC: Workspace, Tools, and Panels
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Opening an existing document in Mini Bridge
- Discovering the Tools panel
- Selection, Cropping, and Measuring Tools
- Retouching and Painting Tools
- Drawing and Type Tools
- Navigation Tools
- Accessing tools and their options
- Using panels
- Putting the panel system to use
- Choosing other panels
- Expanding and collapsing your panels
- Customizing your panels
- Hidden tools
- Navigating the image area
- Using the Zoom tool
- Using the Hand tool
- Tabbed windows
- Maximizing productivity with screen modes
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 2: Introduction to Photoshop CC
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Opening a file
- Saving the work file
- Cropping an image
- Quick image correction
- Increasing contrast using curves
- Adjusting the neutral
- Using the improved Smart Sharpen feature
- A look back in History
- Saving files
- Understanding file formats
- Choosing a file format
- Saving a JPEG file
- Saving for print
- Changing the color settings
- Adjusting image size
- Saving a Photoshop PDF file
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 3: Organizing and Managing Your Files with Adobe Bridge
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- What is Adobe Bridge?
- Navigating through Bridge
- Using folders in Adobe Bridge
- Making a Favorite
- Creating and locating metadata
- Using keywords
- Creating a Metadata Template
- Opening a file from Adobe Bridge
- Searching for files using Adobe Bridge
- Searching by name or keyword
- Using the Filter panel
- Saving a Collection
- Automation tools in Adobe Bridge
- Batch renaming your files
- Additional Photoshop Tools
- Changing the view
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 4: Making Selective Changes in Photoshop CC
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- The importance of a good selection
- Using the Marquee tools
- Creating a square selection
- Creating a selection from a center point
- Changing a selection into a layer
- Working with the Magic Wand tool
- The Lasso tool in Photoshop CC
- Adding to and subtracting
from selections - Deleting from the selection
- Adding to the selection
- Saving a selection
- Feathering a selection
- Using the Quick Selection tool
- Making difficult selections with the Refine Edge feature
- Using Quick Mask in Photoshop CC
- Saving selections in Photoshop CC
- Copying and pasting a selection
- Using the Pen tool for selections
- Using the Pen tool to select an
area of an image - More Pen tool selection techniques
- Converting a path to a selection
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 5: Painting and Retouching
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Setting up your color settings
- Color primer in Photoshop CC
- Understanding color gamut
- The RGB color model
- The CMYK color model
- Working in the RGB mode
- Editing color settings
- Selecting colors with Photoshop CC
- Starting to paint
- Using the Color panel
- Using the Brush tool
- Changing opacity with Photoshop CC
- Save time—learn the shortcuts
- Using the Brush Presets
- Using the Airbrush feature
- Creating a Border using the
Bristle brushes - Applying color to an image
- Changing blending modes
- The Eyedropper tool in Photoshop CC
- Retouching images
- Using the Clone Stamp tool
- Repairing fold lines
- The History panel
- The Spot Healing Brush
- The Healing Brush in Photoshop CC
- Using the Patch tool in Photoshop CC
- Using the Clone Source panel
- Cloning from another source
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 6: Color Correcting an Image
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Choosing your color settings
- Opening the file
- Why you should work in RGB
- Reading a histogram
- Making the Curve adjustment
- Defining the highlight and shadow
- Locating the White and Black Point
- Inputting the white and black point values
- Adjusting the midtones
- Setting the neutral
- Sharpening your image in Photoshop CC
- Comparing your image with the original
- Taking care of red eye with Photoshop CC
- Using the Camera Raw plug-in
- Using Camera Raw controls
- Saving a DNG file in Photoshop CC
- Reopening a DNG file
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 7: Using Content-Aware Tools in Photoshop
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Creating extra image area with the content-aware scale tool
- Opening the file
- Viewing the on-screen ruler
- Converting the Background into a layer
- Protecting the teacher
- Scaling the background
- Content-Aware Fill
- Content-Aware Move
- Content–Aware retouching
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 8: Introduction to Photoshop Layers
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Discovering layers
- The Layers panel
- Getting a handle on layers
- Creating a new blank file
- Naming your layer in Photoshop CC
- Selecting layers
- Tips for selecting layers
- Moving layers in Photoshop CC
- Changing the visibility of a layer
- Using masks in a layer in Photoshop CC
- Preserve transparency
- Creating a composition
- Moving images in from other documents
- Creating a layer mask
- Editing the layer mask
- Cloning layers in Photoshop CC
- Aligning and distributing layers
- Applying filters to layers
- Creating a type layer
- Applying a layer style
- Creating a clipping mask
- Filtering your layers
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 9:Removing Backgrounds to Create Layered Compositions
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- A look at the finished project
- Opening existing image files
- Understanding document settings
- Viewing an image’s size and resolution
- Combining the images
- Using Duplicate to move a layer
- Dragging and dropping to copy one image to another
- Transforming and editing combined images
- Changing the size of a layer
- Removing a background
- Creating a vector mask
- Creating your path
- Starting your pen path
- Turning into vector mask
- Using Refine Edge to select the dog
- Using the Quick Selection tool
- Refining a selection
- Adding the tennis ball to the composition
- Using layer styles
- Reusing layer styles
- Grouping the layers
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 10: Using Layer Styles and Adjustment Layers
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Making color changes using adjustment layers
- Painting on the adjustment layer mask
- Adjusting the Hue/Saturation layer
- Adding a pattern fill layer
- Defining the pattern
- Applying the pattern
- Using the Black & White adjustment layer
- Adding a tint
- Applying a gradient to the adjustment layer
- Layer styles
- Creating the text layer
- Applying the Outer Glow layer style
- Applying the Bevel and Emboss layer style
- Changing the shading
- Changing the fill opacity
- Saving the style
- Accessing the style
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 11: Using Adobe Photoshop Filters
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Working with the Pen tool
- Reading the Pen tool cursor
- Uses of the Pen tool in Photoshop
- Creating your first path
- Using the Selection tools
- Adding and deleting anchor points
- Working with curved paths
- Changing anchor points
- Selecting your path
- Path exercises
- Creating straight lines
- Creating the curved path
- Drawing hinged curves
- Creating a selection with the Pen tool
- Starting your path
- Saving the path
- Turning the path into a selection
- Turning the path into a vector mask
- Using the path to adjust color
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 12: Using Smart Objects in Photoshop
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Creating a composition using
Smart Objects - Opening an image as a Smart Object
- Converting a layer to a Smart Object
- Placing a Smart Object in Photoshop CC
- Editing a Smart Object
- Editing the contents of a Smart Object
- Modifying multiple Smart Object layers
- Working with Smart Filters
- Modifying a Smart Filter
- Self study
- Creating multiple Smart Objects
- Working with Illustrator files
- Review
Lesson 13: Creating Images for Web, Video, and Interactive Use
- Starting up with Photoshop CC
- Viewing the completed file
- Changing your units of measurement
- Creating the web page
- Adding the Text
- Adding Style to the text
- Creating text for the links
- Positioning and distribution of text
- Creating slices
- Slicing it up
- Selecting and combining slices
- Applying attributes to your slices
- Using Save for Web
- Saving files for video
- Creating animation
- Working in Frame mode
- Saving an animated GIF
- Creating animation for HD video
- Working in Timeline mode
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 14: Adobe Photoshop CC New Features
- Starting up
- Viewing the finished file
- Easier methods to manage your layers
- Using Camera Raw as a filter
- Shake Reduction
- Finishing the image composition
- Putting the image into the print frame
- Changing the Blending mode
- Additional new features
- Live Shape properties
- Upscaling improvements
- Share on Behance