You should anticipate a number of costs associated with learning After Effects, including the costs for an After Effects subscription, a high powered computer with a dedicated graphics card, and the costs of training..
Those learning After Effects in AGI’s classroom can use the app at no cost, because AGI has the software available for use as part of the training. For those learning remotely, the free trial version of After Effects is available for five days. After this, because After Effects is a subscription-based software, users need to pay a monthly or yearly fee in order to access the application. Adobe offers several subscription plans for After Effects, which vary in cost depending on the frequency of billing. Users can either pay $31.49 per month for After Effects on a month-to-month basis, or commit to a year-long subscription, which reduces the monthly cost to $20.99 per month.
In addition to the cost of a subscription, those learning After Effects also need a computer or laptop with high processing power in order to run After Effects. The cost of technology needed to run the application will vary, but will likely exceed $1,000 dollars as you will need a computer with a fast SSD drive, fast processor, extensive RAM memory, and a dedicated video processor. After Effects users should also account for the cost of any accessories they wish to purchase, such as a larger computer monitor or cordless mouse.
Those with no prior experience in After Effects will benefit from training courses. The steep learning curve makes training courses a worthwhile investment for those who want to quickly learn After Effects. Online and in-person courses can cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on their duration.
The American Graphics Institute (AGI) provides a number of in-person and online After Effects courses, including an introductory course, an advanced course, and a training bootcamp. While each course varies in price and content, they range from $795 to $1,495, while AGI also offers free After effects tutorials. All of AGI’s After Effects courses are live, and last two to four days in length and include a certificate of completion and extensive curriculum. These training options provide individuals with the opportunity to gain experience working in After Effects while receiving guidance and feedback from motion graphics and visual effects professionals.
Anyone interested in learning After Effects should budget for paid training, subscription fees, and proper technology. The total cost of learning After Effects can add up, depending on your needs. Learning After Effects can be a rewarding investment for those looking to pursue a career in video production or post production. With the right resources and dedication, anyone can learn how to use After Effects and create stunning visual effects for their videos.