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After Effects CC 2015 New Features Announced
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Adobe has announced a number of new capabilities and changes for their motion graphics and animation tool, Adobe After Effects CC 2015. Some of these changes will also be reflected in Premiere Pro CC as well, creating a consistent workflow between Adobe’s video editing applications.
One such addition to both After Effects and Premiere Pro is the addition of Creative Cloud Libraries. This panel provides the ability to more easily access shared assets, such as images, illustrations, and video clips. Items with libraries can be shared among different applications, computers, and even different users.
Performance improvements that make After Effects work faster are another area of improvement in this forthcoming revision for After Effects CC 2015. After Effects users are always looking for the app to work more quickly, and Adobe has indicated they are have started working on making it work more quickly. One way in which this will be evident is that soon After Effects users will be able to view a preview even as changes are made to what is being previewed. The preview does not need to stop as properties or layers are changed, or items are added to compositions. These previewing changes and other revisions will be incorporated into After Effects training programs for users learning the app, or wanting to better understand the new features.
The After Effects CC 2015 update will also revise the preview process to make it easier to understand and use. It will also provide for customized shortcuts that can be assigned to keyboard keys along with adding default behaviors with the preview and the use of the spacebar key that acts like other apps. more like what new users expect and what experienced users need.
This After Effects CC 2015 update is also incorporating a Face Tracker effect. This uses face-tracking technology from a new Adobe app called Character Animator. It tracks faces and then can be used to create masks for isolating faces or create control points for applying effects to features of the face to make it easier to apply effects to them.
About the author
Christopher Smith is president of American Graphics Institute. He is the co-author of Adobe Creative Cloud for Dummies and more than 10 other books on design and digital publishing. He served as publisher and editor of the Digital Classroom book series, which has sold more than one million books on topics relating to InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro and other Creative Cloud apps. At American Graphics Institute, he provides strategic technology consulting to marketing professionals, publishers designers, and large technology companies including Google, Apple, Microsoft, and HP. An expert on web analytics and digital marketing, he also delivers Google Analytics classes along with workshops on digital marketing topics. Christopher did his undergraduate studies the at the University of Minnesota, and then worked for Quark, Inc. prior to joining American Graphics Institute where he has worked for more than 20 years.