HTML5 Digital Classroom Book
The HTML5 Digital Classroom book is like having a personal instructor guiding you through each lesson, while you work at your own pace. This HTML5 book includes self-paced lessons that allow you to learn essential web design skills at your own speed.
- Full color lessons with easy to follow step-by-step instructions
- Video tutorials highlight key topics in each lesson
- Covers all essential HTML5 and CSS3 skills
- Gets you up-and-running quickly with included lesson files
- Written by expert instructors who regularly teach HTML courses - it's like having your own personal tutor
- Used by hundreds of schools and more than 100,000 readers
HTML5 Digital Classroom Book Contents
Starting Up
- About HTML5 Digital Classroom
- Prerequisites
- System requirements
- Using web browsers that support HTML5 tags
- Understanding menus and commands
- Understanding how to read HTML and CSS code changes
- Loading lesson files
- Video tutorials
- Additional resources
Lesson 1: Defining HTML5
- Starting up
- Defining HTML5
- Identifying HTML5 sites
- HTML5 expands the definition of what a web page can do
- HTML5 markup
- A tour of the key HTML5 elements
- The video, audio, and canvas elements
- The video and audio elements embed media files into your pages
- The canvas element provides drawing and animation features
- Web Forms
- Many more new HTML5 elements
- An overview of HTML5 APIs and supporting technologies
- Geolocation in action
- Web Workers
- Web Storages
- CSS3 is not part of HTML5, but is closely related
- CSS Animations
- CSS Transitions
- CSS 2D- and 3D-Transformations
- CSS3 Backgrounds, Borders, RGBa colors, Gradients, Drop Shadows, and Rounded Corners
- @font-face Web fonts
- HTML5 is in a state of transition
- Who is using HTML5 today?
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 2: Fundamentals of HTML, XHTML, and CSS
- Starting up
- Web languages
- Web page structure is based on HTML
- The details of XHTML syntax
- Doctype lets the web browser know what to expect
- The W3C and page validation
- HTML structure
- Placing images in HTML
- The role of CSS
- Styling a heading
- Understanding class styles and spans
- Three ways to use styles
- Internal versus external style sheets
- Creating an external style sheet
- What makes styles cascading
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 3: Formatting Text with CSS
- Starting up
- The importance of typography on the web
- The challenges of fonts on the web
- Setting a font-family
- Sizing text with CSS
- Pixels and points are not the best choices
- Using a combination of percent and the em measurement
- Using margins to modify the space between your text
- Setting paragraph line-height
- Transforming text with CSS
- Working with HTML lists
- Styling HTML lists
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 4: Introduction to CSS Layout
- Starting up
- Working with a CSS reset file
- A brief history of layout techniques on the web
- An overview of page layout options
- Understanding the divs: creating a two-column fixed-width CSS layout
- Understanding the CSS float property
- Creating columns with the float property
- Working with the clear property
- Creating a list-based navigation using floats
- Adding text styles
- The effect of margins and padding on your fixed-width layout
- A review of using margins and padding for layout
- Styling your footer with a background image
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 5: Advanced CSS Layout
- Starting up
- Building your page layout
- Removing the background color
- Working with CSS background images
- Using hacks to solve layout problems
- Enhancing your CSS navigation bar
- Moving your internal styles to the external style sheet
- Creating a style for the active page
- Adding images to your sidebar
- Working with absolute positioning
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 6: Using HTML5 Markup
- Starting up
- A review of semantic markup
- HTML5 Fundamentals
- The HTML5 DOCTYPE declaration
- The different categories used for HTML5 content
- Using the new header element in HTML5
- Adding support for HTML5 elements in browsers
- Adding the HTML5 nav element
- Adding the other HTML5 sectioning elements
- HTML5 Document Outlines
- Adding the footer element
- Adding the article and aside elements
- Additional HTML5 elements
- Revisiting familiar HTML elements
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 7: Creating HTML5 Forms
- Starting up
- The need for updated forms
- Reviewing how forms work
- The components of a form
- Adding new HTML5 input types and attributes
- Creating an order form with new HTML5 input types and attributes
- HTML5 form features under development
- Providing fallbacks for browsers that don't support HTML5 features
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 8: Introduction to JavaScript and jQuery
- Starting up
- Interactivity on the web
- Adobe Flash
- JavaScript
- JavaScript basics
- JavaScript events
- Placing your JavaScript into an external document
- The Document Object Model
- JavaScript frameworks
- Hiding an element with jQuery
- Adding an event to trigger the show effect
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 9: Working with Video and Audio Elements
- Starting up
- Adding video
- Adding support for more browsers
- Adding fallback support for older browsers
- Controlling a video with JavaScript
- Adding audio
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 10: Working with Canvas
- Starting up
- Understanding the Canvas element
- The benefits of the Canvas element
- Drawing Paths
- Drawing Rectangles
- Drawing Lines and Circles
- Drawing with Curves
- Adding Text
- Using colors, styles, and gradients
- Adding Images
- Using Transforms
- Creating a Drawing Loop
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 11: Styling with CSS3
- Starting up
- Understanding the role of CSS3
- Using CSS3 border-radius and border-image
- Adding multiple-background images
- Working with CSS3 transparency and opacity
- Using CSS3 gradients
- CSS gradients have significant potential for the future
- CSS3 transforms, transitions and animation
- Creating CSS3 transforms and transitions
- Working with the CSS Animation
- Working with web fonts
- Using @ font-face to specify a web font
- Using a web service to generate multiple fonts
- Alternative methods for adding web fonts
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 12: CSS3 Media Queries and the future of CSS3
- Starting up
- The role of CSS3 Media queries
- Using CSS3 media queries to deliver a mobile-optimized layout
- Upcoming developments in
- The CSS3 Multi-column layout
- The CSS3 Flexible Box layout module
- The CSS3 template layout module
- Adding template-based position to CSS
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 13: Offline Storage in HTML5
- Starting up
- On the Road, Again
- Offline Storage in HTML5
- localStorage methods
- localStorage examples
- Putting it all together
- Advanced Data Storage
- Application Caching
- The cache manifest file
- Cache manifest structure
- Updating the cache
- The applicationCache Object
- Bringing it all together
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 14: HTML5 Geolocation
- Starting up
- Understanding Geolocation
- Getting the user's Location
- Displaying the user's Location with Google Maps
- Browsers Lacking HTML5 Geolocation
- Creating a HTML5 Geolocation and Google Maps mashup
- Adding Google Map markers to your geolocation page
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 15: HTML5 Drag and Drop
- Starting up
- Drag and Drop on the Web
- Cross-Browser Drag and Drop Operation
- Transferring Data with a Drag-and-Drop Operation
- Self study
- Review
Appendix: HTML5
- List of current HTML5 elements
- List of element content categories
- List of attributes
- List of event handler content attributes
- List of events
- Media element events