Learn about Premiere Pro education and training

Find out more about learning Premiere Pro and related developments that impact professionals. Written by experts, you can discover why it's important to learn Premiere Pro, the best options for learning, along with in-depth background information, as well as recent news and events.

Premiere Pro classes in Dayton, OH

Quickly learn video editing with these Premiere Pro classes

Adobe Premiere Pro is a widely used video editing software developed by Adobe Systems. Premiere Pro is used for editing…

Premiere Pro classes in Dayton, OH

Adobe Premiere Pro is a software application for video editing from Adobe Systems. Premiere Pro is used for editing videos, commercials and other film, television, and online video. It also…

Premiere Pro classes in Dayton, OH

As the editor and publisher of several books on Premiere Pro, and with responsibility in managing dozens of computers that have Premiere Pro installed, I am often asked: what is the best…

Premiere Pro classes in Dayton, OH

Learning Premiere Pro is useful for any video or marketing professional needing to edit video footage on either a Mac or Windows computer.  Because Adobe Premiere Pro is such a widely-used…

Premiere Pro classes in Dayton, OH

The video editing application Premiere Pro is popular with media companies and film producers. Premiere Pro classes make it easy to get started with this…

Premiere Pro classes in Dayton, OH

This Premiere Pro CC review and new features overview describes details of Adobe's professional video-editing app, how they function, and who they benefit. Many of the functions added in…