Learn about Video Editing education and training

Find out more about learning Video Editing and related developments that impact professionals. Written by experts, you can discover why it's important to learn Video Editing, the best options for learning, along with in-depth background information, as well as recent news and events.

Video Editing Training Classes in Fresno, CA

Adobe After Effects is a software application for creating motion graphics and special effects used in video, online content and presentations. After Effects is available on both Mac OS and…

Video Editing Training Classes in Fresno, CA

As the editor and publisher of several books on Premiere Pro, and with responsibility in managing dozens of computers that have Premiere Pro installed, I am often asked: what is the best…

Video Editing Training Classes in Fresno, CA

The job projections for video editors is quite good, with video editing jobs projected to grow 14% through 2028, faster than most other professions and the career outlook for video editors in the…

Video Editing Training Classes in Fresno, CA

Learning video editing can be both financially and personally fulfilling. Video editing is both a rewarding profession and useful skill for personal use. Outside of professional work, video…

Video Editing Training Classes in Fresno, CA

Our video editing professionals have gathered information on the best video editing apps and programs available in 2022 for professional or personal use.  This list of the best video editing…

Video Editing Training Classes in Fresno, CA

Whether you want to learn video editing for a career change, as a hobby, or as a side career, there are a number of ways to learn video editing including courses, university programs,…