Learn about Web design education and training

Find out more about learning Web design and related developments that impact professionals. Written by experts, you can discover why it's important to learn Web design, the best options for learning, along with in-depth background information, as well as recent news and events.

Web Design Classes in Westport, CT

The web design experts at American Graphics Institute has assembled a list of the 9 best web design courses. This includes both online web design courses and in-person web design classes…

Web Design Classes in Westport, CT

As part of our commitment to sharing graphic design, web design and UX skills with community organziations, we have presented a UX design principles workshop to fellows at Venture for America (VFA…

Web Design Classes in Westport, CT

Recently web accessibility and web design put Beyonce in the news rather than a new hit album. A visually impaired woman from New York filed a lawsuit against Beyonce Knowles’ company,…

Web Design Classes in Westport, CT

Web design is a popular career option for many designers, yet there are many specialized options including UX design and visual design. While you may be familiar with the rich, engaging online…

Web Design Classes in Westport, CT

The differences between Web Design vs. Web Development include job responsibilities, functions in building and maintaining websites, and the skills required for working in a web design…